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O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Monika Ritsch-Marte President of the Austrian Physical Society (2007-2008)
born 1961 in Höchst/Vorarlberg, Austria
married to Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut
Ritsch, 2 daughters
"From squeezed light to squeezed
cells !"
since 1998 | Full Professor for Medical Physics at the Medical Faculty of the University of Innsbruck (now Medical University of Innsbruck) |
1996-98 | APART-scholarship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences |
1995-96 | part-time Postdoc with Prof. Peter Zoller, Project S6507 'Mechanical Light Effects' of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) |
1995 | Habilitation (Theoretical Physics), University of Innsbruck |
1993-95 | Charlotte-Bühler-Habilitation Scholarship of the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) |
1990 | Les Houches Summer School on Quantum Optics, Les Houches, France, July - August |
1988 |
Ph.D. in Quantum Optics, University of Waikato, New Zealand, supervisor Prof. D.F. Walls |
1985 | Research Assistant, University of Innsbruck, Austria |
1972-80 | Gymnasium Gallusstift, Bregenz, Austria |
2023 | Emmy Noether Award of the European Physical Society |
2023 | among the 30 finalists for the Physics Breakthrough of the Falling Walls Conference in Berlin |
2022 | Guest Lecturer of the IPAM long program 'Computational Imaging' at UCLA |
2022 | Honorary Membership of the Austrian Physical Society |
2019 | JILAVisiting Fellow |
2019 | Member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina |
2016 | Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) |
2013 | Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA) |
2011 | Science Award of the Federal State of Tyrol (Wissenschaftspreis des Landes Tirol) |
2011 | KIWIE Grand Prix (South Korean Inventors' Award) |
2009 |
Grant catchIT (story on mypoint)
2009 | Kardinal-Innitzer-Würdigungspreis für Naturwissenschaften |
2008 | Science Award of the Federal State of Vorarlberg (Wissenschaftspreis des Landes Vorarlberg) |
2008 | SUPA Distinguished Visitor Award of the Scottish Universities |
1994 | Visiting Scholar Award of the Federation of New Zealand University Women |
1993 | Ludwig-Boltzmann-Award of the Austrian Physical Society |
1992 | Research Award of the City of Innsbruck (Forschungspreis der Stadt Innsbruck) |
1988 | Ph.D. Thesis Award, University of Waikato, New Zealand |
Quantum Optics
especially laser fluctuations, squeezing, nonlinear optics, atom
since June 1998: Biomedical Applications of Lasers
especially optical and acoustic micro-manipulation, (spiral) phase contrast
microscopy, nonlinear microscopy (CARS microscopy)
2008 | University of Glasgow |
2003 | University of Queensland, Australia |
1996 | Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy |
1992 | Universität Konstanz, Germany |
1991, 1995 |
University of Helsinki, Finland |
1991 | JILA, Boulder (Co), USA |
Ultrasound-induced reorientation for multi-angle optical coherence tomography Kvåle Løvmo M., Deng S., Moser S., Leitgeb R., Drexler W., and M Ritsch-Marte, Nature Communications 15, 2391 (2024) |
Efficient and accurate intensity diffraction tomography of multiple-scattering samples Moser S., Jesacher A., and Ritsch-Marte M., Optics Express , 31, 18274-18289 (2023) |
Generally applicable holographic torque measurement for optically trapped particles Strasser F., Barnett S.M., Ritsch-Marte M., and Thalhammer G., Physical Review Letters, 128, 213604 (2022) |
Acoustofluidic trapping device for high-NA multi-angle imaging Kvåle Løvmo, Moser S., Thalhammer G., and Ritsch-Marte M., Frontiers in Physics, 10,1295 (2022) |
Direct holographic measurement of torque and individual forces in ensembles of trapped
particles Strasser F., Moser S., Ritsch-Marte M., and Thalhammer G., Optica, 8, 79-87 (2021) |
Fast holographic scattering compensation for deep tissue biological imaging May, M.A., Barré N., Kummer K.K., Kress M., Ritsch-Marte M., and Jesacher A., Nature Communications, 12, 1-8 (2021) |
Direct measurement of individual optical forces in ensembles of trapped particles Strasser F., Moser S., Ritsch-Marte M., and Thalhammer G., Optica, 8, 79-87 (2021) |
Controlled orientation and sustained rotation of biological samples in a sono-optical microfluidic
device M Kvåle Løvmo, B Pressl, G Thalhammer, M Ritsch-Marte, Lab on a Chip 21, 1563-1578 (2021) |
Comparing acoustic and optical forces for biomedical research K Dholakia, B W Drinkwater, and M Ritsch-Marte, Nature Review Physics 2, 480-491 (2020) |
Motion reconstruction for optical tomography of trapped objects P Elbau, M Ritsch-Marte, O Scherzer, D Schmutz, Inverse Problems 36, 044004, (2020) |
Demonstration of a multi-color diffractive lens with adjustable focal length N Bregenzer, T Öttl, M Zobernig, M Bawart, S Bernet, and M Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express, 28, 30150-30163 (2020) |
High-NA two-photon single cell imaging with remote focusing using a diffractive tunable lens M A May, M Bawart, M Langeslag, S Bernet, M Kress, M Ritsch-Marte, and A Jesacher, Biomedical Optics Express 11, 7183-7191 (2020) |
Model-based compensation of pixel crosstalk in liquid crystal spatial light modulators S Moser, M Ritsch-Marte, G Thalhammer Optics Express 27, 25046-25063 (2019) |
Remote focusing in confocal microscopy by means of a modified Alvarez lens M Bawart, A Jesacher, S Bernet, M Ritsch‐Marte Journal of Microscopy, 271, 337-344 (2018) |
Attractive force on atoms due to blackbody radiation P Haslinger, M Jaffe, V Xu, O Schwartz, M Sonnleitner, M Ritsch-Marte, H Ritsch, H Müller, Nature Physics 14, 257-260 (2018) |
Orbital angular momentum light in microscopy M Ritsch-Marte, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 375, 20150437 (2017) |
Multi-color operation of tunable diffractive lenses S Bernet, M Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 25, 2469-2480 (2017) |
Assessing various Infrared (IR) microscopic imaging techniques for post-mortem interval evaluation of
human skeletal remains C Woess, SH Unterberger, C Roider, M Ritsch-Marte, N Pemberger, et al., PloS one 12 (2017) |
Roadmap on Structured Light H Rubinsztein-Dunlop, A Forbes, MV Berry, MR Dennis, DL Andrews, et al., Journal of Optics 19, 013001 (2016) |
High-resolution confocal Raman microscopy using pixel reassignment C Roider, M Ritsch-Marte, A Jesacher, Optics Letters 41, 3825-3828 (2016) |
Synthetic holography in microscopy: opportunities arising from advanced wavefront shaping A Jesacher, M Ritsch-Marte, Contemporary Physics 57, 46-59 (2016) |
Acoustic force mapping in a hybrid acoustic-optical micromanipulation device supporting high resolution
optical imaging G Thalhammer, C McDougall, MP MacDonald, M Ritsch-Marte, Lab on a Chip 16, 1523-1532 (2016) |
Direct measurement of axial optical forces G Thalhammer, L Obmascher, M Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 23, 6112-6129 (2015) |
How to use a phase-only spatial light modulator as a color display W Harm, A Jesacher, G Thalhammer, S Bernet, M Ritsch-Marte, Optics Letters 40, 581-584 (2015) |
Doing the Waltz with Light: Optical spiral waves and their applications M Ritsch‐Marte, Optik & Photonik 10, 32-37 (2015) |
Cortical contractility triggers a stochastic switch to fast amoeboid migration in 3D environments
CPH Ruprecht V., S. Wieser, A. Callan-Jones, M. Smutny, H. Morita, K. Sako et al., Cell 160, 673-685 (2015) |
Acoustic force spectroscopy G Sitters, D Kamsma, G Thalhammer, M Ritsch-Marte, EJG Peterman, Nature Methods 12, 47-50 (2015) |
Combined holographic optical trapping and optical image processing using a single diffractive pattern
displayed on a spatial light modulator A Jesacher, S Bernet, M Ritsch-Marte, Optics Letters 39, 5337-5340 (2014) |
Lensless imaging through thin diffusive media W Harm, C Roider, A Jesacher, S Bernet, M Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 22, 22146-22156 (2014) |
Colour hologram projection with an SLM by exploiting its full phase modulation range A Jesacher, S Bernet, M Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 22, 20530-20541 (2014) |
Axial super-localisation using rotating point spread functions shaped by polarisation-dependent phase
modulation C Roider, A Jesacher, S Bernet, M Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 22, 4029-4037 (2014) |
A new tool to ensure the fluorescent dye labeling stability of nanocarriers: a real challenge for
fluorescence imaging G Bastiat, CO Pritz, C Roider, F Fouchet, E Lignières, A Jesacher, et al., Journal of controlled release 170, 334-342 (2013) |
Attractive Optical Forces from Blackbody Radiation M Sonnleitner, M Ritsch-Marte, H Ritsch, Physical Rview Letters 111, 5 (2013) |
Enhancing diffractive multi-plane microscopy using colored illumination A Jesacher, C Roider, M Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 21, 11150-11161 (2013) |
Demonstration of focus-tunable diffractive Moiré-lenses S Bernet, W Harm, M Ritsch-Marte Optics express 21, 6955-6966 (2013) |
Wide-field vibrational phase imaging in an extremely folded box-CARS geometry P Berto, A Jesacher, C Roider, S Monneret, H Rigneault, M Ritsch-Marte, Optics Letters 38, 709-711 (2013) |
Speeding up liquid crystal SLMs using overdrive with phase change reduction G Thalhammer, RW Bowman, GD Love, MJ Padgett, M Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 21, 1779-1797 (2013) |
Optomechanical deformation and strain in elastic dielectrics M Sonnleitner, M Ritsch-Marte, H Ritsch, New Journal of Physics 14, 103011 (2012) |
Lensless Digital Holography with Diffuse Iillumination Through a Pseudo-random Phase Mask S Bernet, W Harm, A Jesacher, M Ritsch-Marte Optics express 19, 25113-25124 (2011) |
Combined Acoustic and Optical Trapping G Thalhammer, R Steiger, M Meinschad, M Hill, S Bernet, M Ritsch-Marte, Biomedical Optics Express 2, 2859-2870 (2011) |
SLM-Microscopy: what spatial light modulators can do for microscopy, C. Maurer, A. Jesacher, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Lasers and Photonics Reviews 5, 81-101 (2011) |
Optical Macro-Tweezers: Trapping of Highly Motile Micro-Organisms, G. Thalhammer, R. Steiger, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Journal of Optics 137, 044024 (6pp) (2011) |
Flexible contrast for low-coherence interference microscopy by Fourier-plane filtering with
a spatial light modulator, S.E. Schausberger, B. Heise, C. Maurer, S. Bernet, M. Ritsch-Marte, and D. Stifter, Optics Letters 24, 4154-4156 (2010) |
Depth-of-Field Multiplexing in Microscopy, C. Maurer, S. Khan, S. Fassl, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 18, 3023-3034 (2010) |
Holographic Ghost Imaging and the Violation of a Bell Inequality, B. Jack, J. Leach, J. Romero, S. Franke-Arnold, M. Ritsch-Marte, S. M. Barnett, and M.J. Padgett, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 083602 (2009) |
Differential Interference Contrast Imaging using a Spatial Light Modulator, T.J. McIntyre, C. Maurer, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Opt. Lett. 34, 2988-2990 (2009) |
Cerebral vasoreactivity decreases over night in severe obstructive apnea syndrome: a study
of cerebral hemodynamics, M. Furtner, M. Staudacher, B. Frauscher, E. Brandauer, M. Esnaola y Rojas, V. Gschliesser, C. Schmiedauer, W. Poewe, M. Ritsch-Marte, and B. Högl, Sleep Medicine 10, 875-881 (2009) |
Phase contrast microscopy with full numerical aperture illumination, C. Maurer C., A. Jesacher, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Opt. Express 16, 19821-19829 (2008) |
Imaging of laser induced ultrasound with a spiral phase contrast method, P. Bader, M. Zangerl, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte: J. Opt. A 10, 085308-15 (2008) [Selected for Highlights from European Journals in Europhysics News, 39(6), 2008] |
Adjustable refractive power from diffractive Moirá elements, S. Bernet and M. Ritsch-Marte, Applied Optics 47, 3722-3730 (2008) [Monitored in "Laser Focus World": MDOE produces variable optical power, by John Wallace, 44(12), December 2008] |
Near-perfect hologram reconstruction with a spatial light
modulator, A. Jesacher, C. Maurer, S. Fürhapter, A. Schwaighofer, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 16, 2699 (2008) |
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy with dynamic
speckle illumination, C. Heinrich, A. Hofer, S. Bernet, M. Ritsch-Marte, New Journal of Physics10, 023029 (2008) |
Full phase and amplitude control of holographic optical
tweezers with theoretically unlimited efficiency, A. Jesacher, C. Maurer, S. Fürhapter, A. Schwaighofer, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 16, 4479 (2008) |
Selective imaging of saturated and unsaturated lipids by wide-field CARS-microscopy, C. Heinrich, A. Hofer, A. Ritsch, C. Ciardi, S. Bernet, M. Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 16, 2597 (2008) [Selected for the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics 3(3), March 2008] |
Tailoring of arbitrary optical vector beams, C. Maurer, A. Jesacher, S. Fürhapter, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, New Journal of Physics 9, 78 (2007) |
Wavefront correction of spatial light modulators using an optical vortex image, A. Jesacher, A. Schwaighofer, S. Fürhapter, C. Maurer, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 15, 5801 (2007) |
Holographic optical tweezers for object manipulations at an air-liquid surface, A. Jesacher, S. Fürhapter, C. Maurer, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 14, 6342 (2006) |
Nanosecond microscopy with spectroscopic
resolution, C. Heinrich, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, New Journal of Physics 8, 36 (2006) |
Spiral interferogram analysis, A. Jesacher, S. Fürhapter, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 23, 1400 (2005) |
Shadow effects in spiral phase contrast microscopy, A. Jesacher, S. Fürhapter, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Physical Review Letters 94, 233902 (2005) |
Spiral interferometry, S. Fürhapter, A. Jesacher, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Optics Letters 30, 1953 (2005) |
A new method for change-point detection developed for on-line
analysis of the heart beat variability during sleep, M. Staudacher, S. Telser, A. Amann, H. Hinterhuber, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Physica A 349, 582 (2005) |
Spiral phase contrast imaging in microscopy, S. Fürhapter, A. Jesacher, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 13, 689 (2005) |
Binary optoacoustic holography with a spatial light modulator, A. Meyer, S. Gspan, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, J. Appl. Phys. 96, 5886 (2004) |
Size selective trapping with optical "cogwheel"
tweezers, A. Jesacher, S. Fürhapter, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 12, 4129 (2004) |
Diffractice optical tweezers in the Fresnel regime, A. Jesacher, S. Fürhapter, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Optics Express 12, 2243 (2004) |
Wide-field coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy, C. Heinrich, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Applied Physics Letters 84, 816 (2004) |
Can one detect sleep stage transitions for on-line sleep
scoring by monitoring the heart rate variability?, S. Telser, M. Staudacher, Y. Ploner, A.Amann, H. Hinterhuber, and M. Ritsch-Marte, Somnologie 8, 33 (2004) |
Self-organized array of regularly spaced microbeads in
a fiber-optical trap, W. Singer, M. Frick, S. Bernet, and M. Ritsch-Marte, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 20, 1568 (2003) |
Mechanical forces Impeding exocytotic surfactant release
revealed by optical tweezers, W. Singer, M. Frick, T. Haller, S. Bernet, M. Ritsch-Marte, and P. Dietl, Biophys. J. 84, 1344 (2003) |
mTHPC-mediated photodynamic diagnosis of malignant brain tumors,
A. Zimmermann, M. Ritsch-Marte, and H. Kostron, Photochem. Photobiol., 70,
611 (2001)
3-dimensional force calibration of optical tweezers, W. Singer, S. Bernet, N. Hecker, and M. Ritsch-Marte, J. Mod. Opt. 47, 2921 (2000) |
Spatial patterns in optical parametric oscillators with spherical mirrors:
classical and quantum effects,
M.A.M. Marte, H. Ritsch, K.I. Petsas, A. Gatti, L.A. Lugiato, C. Fabre and D.
Leduc, Optics Express 3, 71 (1998)
Paraxial light and atom optics: The optical Schrödinger equation and
M.A.M. Marte and S. Stenholm, Phys. Rev. A 56, 2940 (1997)
Sub-Poissonian twin beams via competing nonlinearities,
M.A.M. Marte, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 4815 (1995)
Quantum noise reduction in Raman lasers,
H. Ritsch, M.A.M. Marte, and P. Zoller, Europhys. Lett. 19, 7 (1992)
Lasers with sub-Poissonian pump,
M.A.M. Marte and P. Zoller, Phys. Rev. A 40, 5776 (1989)
Quantum jumps in atomic systems,
P. Zoller, M.A.M. Marte and D.F. Walls, Phys.Rev. A 35, 198 (1987)
almost anything (except "passive sports" on TV ...)
especially mountaineering, skiing, painting on silk, designing webpages, reading, photography (see my pictures at www.fotocommunity.de);
languages: German, English, French, some Russian