CV of project leader (Prof. Dr. Günther Sperk)

1964-1970 Studying Pharmacy at the University of Vienna
1971-1976 Research Assistant at the Institute for Biochemistry, Univ. Vienna
1974 Ph.D. in Biochemistry, University Vienna
1976-1977 Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School , Massachusetts General Hospital , Boston
1977-1982 Assistant Professor, Institute for Biochemical Pharmacology

Associate Professor at the Department of Pharmacology, Innsbruck
University Innsbruck and Head of the Neuropharmacology Unit

1986 Vice Chairman of the Department of Pharmacology
1991 Full Professor in Pharmacology

Selected Publications

Tasan, RO, Lin, S, Hetzenauer, A, Singewald, N, Herzog, H, Sperk, G (2009) Increased novelty-induced motor activity and reduced depression-like behavior in neuropeptide Y (NPY)-Y4 receptor knockout mice. Neuroscience, 158:1717–1730.

Nguyen, NK, Sartori, SB, Herzog, H, Tasan, R, Sperk, G, Singewald, N (2009) Effect of neuropeptide Y Y2 receptor deletion on emotional stress-induced neuronal activation in mice. Synapse, 63:236–246.

Richichi, C, Lin, EJ, Stefanin, D, Colella, D, Ravizza, T, Grignaschi, G, Veglianese, P, Sperk, G, During, MJ, Vezzani, A (2004) Anticonvulsant and antiepileptogenic effects mediated by adeno-associated virus vector neuropeptide Y expression in the rat hippocampus. J Neurosci, 24:3051–3059.

Tschenett A, Singewald N, Carli M, Balducci C, Salchner P, Vezzani A, Herzog H, Sperk G (2003) Reduced anxiety and improved stress coping ability in mice lacking NPY-Y2 receptors. Eur J Neurosci 18:143-148

Furtinger, S, Pirker, S, Czech, T, Baumgartner, C, Ransmayr, G, Sperk, G (2001) Plasticity of Y1 and Y2 receptors and neuropeptide Y fibers in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. J Neurosci, 21:5804–5812.